Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Oskar Blues Grill & Brewery - Old Chub NITRO

For the Sixth Beer of Christmas we ran into an old friend with a whole new groove.

Oskar Blues Grill & Brewery
Old Chub NITRO
As noted back during Christmas 2011, Oskar Blue's Old Chub was the first craft beer I ever drank that came in a can. There's been plenty since, including most of the Oskar Blues family, but Old Chub will always have a special "first place" in my heart. Now this first comes with a new twist ... nitrogen.

Like all nitrogenated beers, the can opened with a crisp release of pressurized air. I really enjoy watching the foam on a nitro beer. The thick creamy head sits on top like foam on a cappuccino with thousands of tiny bubbles rising in sheets. The head settled to an 1/8" cap and never went away. After each and every drink, all the way to the bottom, it blanketed the side of the glass with a flowing cascade of lacing.

Chocolate and roasted grain form most of the aroma. There's a bit of sweetness underneath as well as a touch of alcohol. However, I only got the alcohol scent after enjoying several long sniffs from the glass.

The mouth feel is extremely smooth and creamy, almost like a coke float after most of the ice cream has melted and the carbonation has left the coke. There is a lot of sweet caramel in the taste along with some semi-sweet chocolate and bread in the beginning and dark bitter chocolates at the finish.

I have one can left from the four-pack I purchased. I'm going to save it until I can get back to Spec's and buy some of the original Old Chub. I'd like to try them side-by-side and see how they compare.

Brewer: Oskar Blues Grill & Brew
Location: Lyons, Colorado
Website: http://www.oskarblues.com
Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
Alcohol Content: 8.00% ABV
Interesting Note: Despite what I've heard said a few times, nitro beers are not "nitro" due to nitrous oxide - what your dentist uses on your and what rockets & race cars use for that extra oomph. Good thing, too, as Vin Diesel will be needing all the NOS he can get for Fast & Furious 8 (you know it's coming sooner or later.) The nitro in nitro beers is pure nitrogen, but it's a mixture of both nitrogen and traditional carbon dioxide that creates the bubbles. The mixture varies, but it tends to be around 30% nitrogen and 70% carbon dioxide.

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